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there be tooi much skeleteons for my lil guy to even eat, therefore i cant upgrade him :( what to do in this situation?


Thank you for playing! And Sorry to hear. 

The game is a ggj game and is still buggy and not well balanced.. But you can try playing it again, an make sure you upgrade his power before upgrading the amount of bones. 

ok thankyou! i usuallu rish it anyways so it should work

bone apple teeth


for some reason i stopped gaining bones

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I broke the game lmao

the game is cool though


Thank you so much for playing! 

We know it's a little buggy, it's a ggj and we never refined it. Can I ask What happened that broke the game? 

the game crashed after I fully upgraded my monster

(1 edit) (+2)

So good it crashed kek. I liked it

I managed to max most things to level 200 but when I tried to max the last upgrade the game crashed when it hit level 33 and before that at level 23 it gave me negative bones. But good game overall

8/10 :D


Wow! Thank you so much for playing and enjoying our game! 

I'm sorry for the crashes, the game is not well balanced yet โ˜บ 

It's Ok, it made me feel powerful ๐Ÿ˜…

This game is really fun! And I really like the design but there are a couple bugs.

Thank you for playing our game! We are so glad you liked it โ˜บ 

And Yes.. Sorry for the bugs

Wow, this is really cool! Excellent jam entry. I feel like the pacing could do with some work, and the tech tree could be a bit more open (so I could choose a more custom build), but all in all a really solid idea and beautiful aesthetic!

๐ŸŽŠ We are so happy you enjoyed our game! Thank you so much. 

after 5 min  the skeletons dont drop more skull

It's a known issue that happens sometimes, it's a balance problem between the hit points of the monsters and the power of hits. 

Thank you for playing! 

Deleted 64 days ago

Awesome! Thanks for the great feedback! we are so happy that you enjoyed it! 

lol i bought almost everything and when i did i got negative numbers and the game crashed

pretty cool

Hh  thank you for playing! ๐Ÿ˜ 

And, Sorry it's a game jam game, there are several bugs 

what are the conntrols

Click on the small button on the right, it will open a menu. When you have enough bones, you can upgrade your monster

wait... what are the command keys? I am on a macbook. 

good game nice visuals but ikept randomly getting huge amounts and bought upgrades so fast i didnt see what they did

what are the controls

I adore the surreal art design!

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numbers are broken